Madeline’s doctors say that she is showing positive progress. She is still heavily sedated with pain medication, but was awake and responsive a few different times yesterday. Because she’s still intubated, speaking is impossible, but when she’s awake she’s communicating through facial expressions and “lip syncing.” She even gave a thumbs up yesterday morning when she awoke to news from her nurses that the Patriots are going to the Super Bowl.
Jim, Colleen, and Mike sat with her for most of the day and during the few minutes when she was awake, shared with her just a sampling of the thoughts, prayers, and well-wishes that are being sent her way. She was visibly overwhelmed by the amount of support from all of you. Yesterday she was weaned off of some medication that was helping to control her blood pressure. She was seen by her transplant pulmonologist, the transplant surgeon, and a physician's assistant whom she had seen during her appointments last Tuesday. All were very happy with the progress that Madeline has made so far. Right now, she is back in the OR where they are cleaning out her chest cavity and closing up her incisions. Jim, Colleen and Mike are hoping to see her later this afternoon.
1/24/2017 10:47:42 am
I'm so happy to read this news. Great to hear the process! My Love to her and Jim. Xoxo Prayers still being said. God bless
Jeanne LaBelle
1/24/2017 10:53:31 am
I'm thrilled that she's making progress. I will continue to keep her in my prayers.
1/24/2017 11:06:26 am
Thanks for the update! So glad to hear that things are going well. Sending prayers to her and her doctors for today's procedure. Go Mad!!
Dan Kavanagh
1/24/2017 11:27:43 am
God Bless Madeline, I know he already has, and all of you. I know 1st hand all the problems she has gone thru as my wife had pulmomary hypertension. Madeline has great support and has a long road ahead. Every day she will get stronger and all the prayers will make her even stronger. Believe me all the problems will help to reinforce the love and caring you all have for each other and your love even grows stronger. God Bless You All Dan
1/24/2017 11:28:54 am
So happy to here the good news, Kevin and I are sending prayers for all!
1/24/2017 11:33:26 am
Good news! Thanks for the updates. Everyone continues to be in my thoughts and prayers.
Megan Benedict
1/24/2017 11:47:37 am
Gooooo Mad!!! Wonderful news. Keeping everyone, including the doctors, in my prayers!
paula pomfret
1/24/2017 11:59:56 am
Love you little cuz! Shedding tears of joy and praying for success the rest of you journey!!
Diane McGregor
1/24/2017 12:19:56 pm
Thanks for keeping us so well informed of Madeline's positive progress. Prayers that it continues. Love to you all.
Erin and Steve McGovern
1/24/2017 12:25:16 pm
Daily prayers being said for you Madeline,love to all your family too💗
Carol Lennon
1/24/2017 12:56:58 pm
So glad to hear such wonderful news. She is a very strong woman.
Marion and Dan Gaudioso
1/24/2017 01:02:16 pm
Praying for you Maddy. The Pats won just for you. You'll be able to sit up and watch us win the SB. Aruba 2018
Donna Kavanagh
1/24/2017 01:43:14 pm
So happy to hear of the positive news. Thanks for the update. Take one day at a time
Jane and Denny O'Brien
1/24/2017 01:59:24 pm
Praying for Madeline, Jim and Family every day. Great to hear the Positive Progress. Keep up the good work Young Lady!
Kelly Bacon
1/24/2017 02:00:21 pm
Sending lots of love and prayers your way!! I love you and admire your strength so much!
Cathey DeLuca
1/24/2017 02:11:16 pm
Wonderful news! She is a real trooper with a lot going for her- a wonderful family (especially her grandsons and a granddaughter on the way) and lots of friends who are praying for her! There is no doubt that she will come through this with flying colors! You go girl!
Peggy Nugent
1/24/2017 03:44:39 pm
Continuing to send prayers & positive thoughts your way Madeline and also to your wonderful family. May God continue to Bless you & them as you continue on the road to recovery. Love John & Peggy Nugent
Stephanie & Chris McGoldrick
1/24/2017 03:46:28 pm
Thanks for sharing this update. We having been thinking of Madeline and praying for her. Sending our love from Boston. Glad to hear that the surgery and recovery have gone well so far.
1/24/2017 04:00:22 pm
Mad, Jim and family
Mary McQueeney Kilmartin
1/24/2017 04:01:34 pm
She's amazing. Keeping you all in my prayers. It's hard to see a loved one go through all this so I pray for your strength as well!
Deborah Rowley
1/24/2017 04:22:38 pm
What a trooper she has been!!!! So happy she's on the other side. Continued prayers for a complete recovery
Mary Beth Flynn
1/24/2017 05:55:04 pm
God bless Madeline and I have you on my mind constantly. Now I have you on my mind constantly because you did it. I know you will continue to heal and I will still go on praying for you ad your family and friends. Wow, you are amazing and have some big shoes to follow. Take care and heal well.
1/24/2017 08:35:58 pm
You are in our prayers, Mary Beth!!!
Diana & Pat Murphy
1/24/2017 07:08:14 pm
Great update.Glad to read all the positive news.Hopefully she'll continue to make good strides with the surgery today. You will all be kept in our prayers. Love,Pat & Diana
Diane M Lukowicz
1/24/2017 09:17:24 pm
Bonnet here we come! I can feel it! Sending positive thoughts from Rhode Island!
Allen and Rosemary
1/24/2017 09:17:30 pm
We're following all the updates on your blog Mad. So happy to read good news. The phones in RI have been busy sharing news of your recovery. All of us are praying for you, your medical team, Jim and the family. Keep fighting. We are all with you! ❤
Shannon Collier
1/24/2017 09:31:42 pm
William requested that we pray for "Uncle Jim" and "Aunt Mad" tonight. We're praying for you here in New Jersey!! xx (both sides!)
Jeanne Thompson
1/24/2017 09:31:56 pm
God bless you Madeline! Our prayers are with you and your family.
Ginny Loontjens
1/24/2017 09:35:01 pm
Happy to hear that she is making progress. Will keep her in my prayers for the recovery that lies ahead of her! Good sign that she gave thumbs up for the Patriots win and in the Super Bowl!!!!
Candy and Bill
1/24/2017 09:43:54 pm
1/25/2017 10:04:23 pm
Madeline, Jim, Colleen and Michael! So happy that Madeline made it through this amazing surgery! Please know that you are always in my thoughts and prayers! You are such an inspiration to all that know and love you! Love, Barbara Powers
Pat and Paula Brady
1/26/2017 10:29:33 am
Our prayers and thoughts are with all of you.
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